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Oh, you guys. Clients who are so fun I cannot tell how fast the clock is moving during a session. These two. So much fun.

We shot last August and the time is here! Saturday is the day!

I’m excited to see what Val & Chris and their families and Evenement Planning have put together for this incredible Bennett Barn wedding, but in the meantime, please enjoy one hot summer night last August: Bay View +  their home + (let’s forget how they gave me that really good wine and I kicked it over on the sidewalk while shooting, #btsrobynvining on insta) + Milwaukee’s Walker’s Point + Nighttime at the Harley Davidson Museum.

And after all that, I’ll conclude with the image they chose as their Save-The-Date. Folks. These people are fun. Just try and imagine how excited I am for Saturday…

Val & Chris 2015


& THAT ^^^ was their Save-The-Date card. Image by special request. These people are fun. Getting “hit”ched this Saturday. YAY!

shot on the Nikon df & Nikon D700, August 2014, Milwaukee, WI

(Sigma Art Prime lenses and Nikon 24mm, 85mm, 58mm)